3 e-books gratuitos sobre LINQ, AJAX e Silverlight

A Microsoft disponibilizou para download três e-books completos sobre LINQ, AJAX e Silverlight:

Introducing Microsoft LINQ
by Paolo Pialorsi and Marco Russo (ISBN: 9780735623910)
This practical guide covers Language Integrated Query (LINQ) syntax fundamentals, LINQ to ADO.NET, and LIN
Q to XML. The e-book includes the entire contents of this printed book!

Introducing Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX
by Dino Esposito (ISBN: 9780735624139)
Learn about the February 2007 release of ASP.NET AJAX Extensions 1.0, including an overview and the control toolkit.

Introducing Microsoft Silverlight 1.0
by Laurence Moroney (ISBN: 9780735625396)
Learn how to use Silverlight to simplify the way you implement compelling user experiences for the Web. Discover how to support an object-oriented program model with JavaScript.

Para mais informações e download, clique aqui.

Fonte: Baboo

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